Just A Small Announcement
Owing to what I’m told has been excessive posting and obsessive attention to Greenbriar Picture Shows (since when is every waking hour obsessive attention?), we are obliged to modify the killing pace that’s been maintained since day one, and cut back to two or so stories a week as opposed to showing up with something new every time the cock crows. That’s not to say that Greenbriar is closing its doors. By no means. There are several features in the pipeline now, and many more to come. It’s just those silly things like sleep and getting outdoors occasionally that interfere with the really important business of feeding this webpage. Most of my blogging peers, many of whom are listed on the Greenbriar links page, have the good sense to maintain balance along with a high standard of quality in what they contribute, and they’re examples worth following. As for the Monday Glamour Starters, they will continue, though not necessarily on Mondays, and not on a weekly schedule. On the topic of outstanding sites, there’s a new one that has been dazzling me on a near daily basis for several weeks now. Vitaphone Varieties is devoted to the early days of sound, with articles and research that are breathtaking in their detail and erudition. Jeff Cohen is the host, and he’s got info/images I’ve never seen anyplace else. Go there and get some serious film history!